Take Every Opportunity

Take every opportunity to start the process! Immerse yourself into that dream and don't come back.

When is a good time to really buckdown and get laser focused on our goals? At More Life in My Day we recommend taking every opportunity to start that process! Immerse yourself into that dream and don't come back. :-)

Many times we are waiting for the right moment to make our move. So when is that ideal moment?

Any moment! That's right. Pick one and run with it. A few good ones are, your birthday, the new year, the first of the month, Monday, when I get home, and dare I say... RIGHT NOW? Yes!

Look, it's far too common that folks haven't started working on their dream because they just don't know how to start. Or they have started and are stuck on some point. It could be a prior commitment, work, family, school, etc. Well, let's just start here! Right in the mess. All things being equal, none of these things are going to go away. So then how do you move forward?

A New Year, A New Resolve

Get help! Get a coach! It's the new year. Invest in yourself and get the help you know you need. Life Coaches design their skills around their passion, helping stuck individuals move forward, surface their passions and working with them to develop a mindset that takes action.

If you're not in your dream and it's just an idea, ask yourself, "what in the world am I doing? How much time has to pass before I do the things that are important to me?" Write those things down and get them in front of you and your coach.

Priorities exist. You have them, I have them, we all have them. Yet, "priority" doesn't mean, "this and not that." It means all of it, but smart, planned, efficient and effective. That is the new YOU, with a coach.


Take Action!

  1. Stop what you're doing and take the next steps right now...
    • Why not?
    • A new year is a great excuse to pick up that dream.
    • What does 2018 look like if you had done nothing with your dream? Is that ok with you?
  2. Write down the goal, the dream, the objective, etc.
    • Make it simple to start. The details will come later.
    • List them one-by-one.
    • Nothing is too big. Write down the crazy stuff too!
  3. Write down the obstacles that have held you back.
    • Half the battle is facing the fear of these things.
    • Discovering, naming and facing these obstacles is a power action in overcoming them.
  4. Connect with a Coach.
    • Invest in yourself this year.
    • Coaches are friendly, fun and focused. 
    • Coaches are designed for this purpose... walking with you in the dream.
    • The Inquiry Call is free! 
    • We truly do want you to have more life in your day by helping you walk in your dream and be the person you want to be.
  5. Fill out the 60 second, Inquiry Call Form.
    • Why not?

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.

Concept: Take every opportunity to start the dream.



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