The Form of Gratitude

So, what form does your gratitude take? Let's just cut to the chase... it's no secret that gratitude is a life giving force. It may very well have the greatest impact on our fulfillment in life. Gratitude is one of those values that can get crowded out of our busy lifestyle. We just don't seem to have time to stop and think about it. And that's it... it takes thinking. It's not necessarily an autonomic response. We need to do it on purpose. The great thing about it is, it's completely under our control. We can do it whenever we choose to and there are so many wonderful ways to express it. Undervalued No More We are all different but there are some values that truly are universal. Gratitude is one of them. You know it when you see it kinda thing. Gratitude is much like forgiveness. It affects those we express it to in fantastic ways, and yet, has an even greater impact on our own wellbeing. This life coach is going to take you right into the heart ...