What is Coaching?

People come to coaching because they want a change in areas of life that they have struggled to achieve. They want growth. They have goals/dreams/visions that they just cannot get traction or consistency on. Some of these areas may include, a healthier lifestyle, starting a business, choosing a career, walking closer with the Lord, developing new skills or enhancing relationships.

These are the things that give us a higher quality of life, more fulfillment, better balance, or simply a different process for accomplishing the important things in life. What is the first thing you think of when asked, "what is something you have wanted to accomplish or overcome, but just can't seem to get there?"

Sometimes answers are not apparent in life but a coach believes the answers you seek are already in you, waiting to be discovered. The coaching relationship is a "designed relationship" to work with you to draw those solutions out.

Your coach is your partner to ask the questions you haven't asked. They walk with you in the coaching relationship so you can discover the things that are most important to you so you can move toward the goal/dream/vision/change you desire.


  • Accelerates your development for personal, relational, and vocational goals.
  • Helps you clarify, expand and articulate your personal vision and values.
  • Reveals and challenges obstacles that prevent you from succeeding.
  • Cultivates change, refreshes perspective and inspires hope.
  • Elicits client-generated solutions and strategies.
  • Holds the client responsible and accountable.

Coaching is not Therapy, Counseling, Consulting or Mentoring.

Therapy looks to heal pain, dysfunction, and conflict in someone’s life. The focus is often on resolving difficulties from the past.
Coaching is proactive, supporting personal and professional growth based on self-initiated change in pursuit of specific goals and objectives. The future is the focus.

Consulting diagnoses a situation and/or circumstances and prescribes a solution.
Coaching values the ability of individuals or teams who are capable of generating their own solutions, with the coach supplying a supportive, discovery-based environment.

Mentoring is a relationship where an expert provides wisdom and guidance based on their own experience and can include advising and counseling.
Coaching does not include advising or counseling, focusing instead on clients setting and reaching their own goals and objectives.

A coach understands that you are the expert of your life. You know what you like and don’t like. You know what has worked and what hasn’t worked. Only you know the deep intimate details of who you are, where you’ve been and where you want to go.

A coaching relationship is vital to drawing out your values, desires, goals, and solutions. Thus, setting the stage for taking action that results in continuous growth and development.

You can start that process right now. Click to fill out the Inquiry Call form. It takes about 60 seconds.

Find out more about More Life in My Day coaching on our Time for Coaching page.

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