Too Much Information
Now there may be many ways to combat the endless live stream of data, but how about this one?
Temet Nosce | Know Thyself
To do this, we are going to need some time to thoughtfully answer a few vital questions we haven't been asking. Take a shot at these questions and compare your answers to what you see happening in your TMI moments.
- Who are you?
- What gets you excited?
- What is important in your life?
- What values do you cherish the most?
- How do you uphold the values that represent you?
- Where do you want to go?
- What would be an even a bigger vision to the previous question?
Values Inspection
Those are values questions. The answer to these questions is a vision of the person we always intended to be, but may not have become. Examining the important traits we hold dear is a good first step in knowing ourselves. We probably do not pull up our values for inspection nearly enough. Most of the time we only look at our values after some tragedy.Let's not wait for a life altering event or be stunned 5 years from now that we haven't taken a single step forward. Take a proactive approach and schedule a periodic maintenance check.
A values inspection may take the form of a list of your values or a bullet point list of some end result that you desire. Answers to the previous questions could also be a great place to start. Write them down where they will be easily accessible. Note that this doesn't have to take long. If you are visiting your values on a regular cycle, you'll be updating and morphing the list as a natural progression in your life.
I recommend writing them on a 3x5 spiral notepad or one of my favorites, OneNote by Microsoft.
Good! Now go one step further. Why?
"Why is it important to get there?"
Focus the answer on your values. Take a quick read of, Values are Valuable and write up the "why" using the words that come out of that read. Honestly, two or three sentences on "why," will help that vision become more clear and prepare your mindset for action.
If you're not a "list person" then find a friend or mentor to talk through how you can know yourself more deeply and with better clarity. Have them ask you the questions above and let yourself talk it out and think it though. Writing and talking about your core values will surface the resolve you need to walk in them.
It will blow your mind, the things you are doing today that don't represent your values, and the things you are not taking action on, that do represent your values.
It's worth the conversation.
If your looking for a real boost, get a coach. This is what we do. We walk with you, with the purpose of cutting through the clutter and introducing you... to you! 😊
To thine own self be true. The one who knows himself has found a powerful mindset and has great clarity with serious resolve.
Knowing yourself is the antidote for too much information.
Take Action!
- Schedule a time to inspect your values.
- Take a quick read of, Designing Peaceful Moments.
- Keep it simple. Answer the questions listed above.
- Take them one by one.
- Write down your list.
- Write a short paragraph answering the "why" for each point.
- Frame the answers with your values.
- Solicit the help of a friend or mentor.
- This is a great strategy if writing is not your thing.
- Do this even if you do write out your answers.
- A second set of eyes and ears can be vital to your thinking.
- Have them ask the questions above.
- Have them stretch you on the questions. Ask them to respond with, "what else?" after every answer... especially if they sense you can go deeper.
- Be true to yourself.
- Take action and do it with joy.
- Please contact us with your questions on mindset, clarity and knowing yourself.
- Coaching is a powerful tool for developing your thinking that leads to sustained action.
- We work with individuals, couples and teams.
- Invest in yourself this year.
- Coaches are friendly, fun and focused.
- Coaches are designed for this purpose... walking with you in the dream.
- We truly do want you to have more life in your day by helping you walk in your dream and be the person you want to be.
- Have fun with, What do I want to be coached around?.
- Click the link above.
- It's a chance to ask questions and get answers.
- The form is designed to kick off your thinking process. :-)
- It's free so, there's no risk. Only an opportunity.
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