Values are Valuable

Values are valuable.

Seriously, how busy are you?

It's true. We live in a time where pace, information and technology are moving and advancing so fast it's impossible to keep up with everything we want to do in life. The sooner we realize that we need to prioritize our life, the more we minimize the horror of looking back on a life that we did not intend.

So, how then do we prioritize? Clearly, some things will have to be cut. Some things will have to wait. Others have to be done on a regular basis.

Stop now and make a list of priorities! Don't prioritize them yet. Just write down all the priorities in any order. Now, to the next step.

What Do You Value?

To make the first list more meaningful try this. Jot down a list of values that are important to you. What are the values you would like to live in?

Easier said than done. Where is a good place to start? Where do we set the bar for what's important? If you truly want to put more life in you day, ;-) let us remind you that values are valuable.

That's right. The second brainstorm list really needs to be a values list. This is not a reorganization of your first priority list. It's a list of your values. Things like honesty, integrity, family, alone time, are the type of things on this list. Write them down and take the next week to think them through. What makes these values so important to your life?

Drift Away or Holding Fast?

With life's relentless pace we don't have time to evaluate our choices in a thoughtful, evaluative manner. We get a situation thrust upon us and we respond. When did we get a chance to think about the impact? After a few dozen instances of "reacting" to circumstances we may find we are drifting away from the things that are most valuable to us and not even know it.

If you have trouble brainstorming and making the priorities list and/or the values list, it really is time to connect with a Professional Life Coach. It's an investment in you, that can make the difference you are looking for.

In the meanwhile, do the Take Action portion below to finish the exercise started above. Learn to hold fast to your convictions by discovering and/or reinforcing the person you were designed to be.


Take Action!

  1. Brainstorm priorities in your life.
    • Write them down.
    • It's brainstorming so be sure add things "outside the box."
    • Do not order them... yet!
  2. Brainstorm your values.
    • Again, write them down. 
    • Ask people you love and respect what values they see in you.
  3. Prioritize your values.
    • What is non-negotiable?
    • What do I get rid of?
    • Take time to think this one through.
    • Write out the reasons behind each value.
    • How do these values compliment each other?
    • How can I uphold these values in my life?
  4. Prioritize your first priorities list.
    • How does this list flow in light of your values work?
    • What needs to change to manage this list well?
    • Run this list by a respected friend or family member for a new perspective.
    • Revisit this process on a regular basis. Every 6 months? year? 3 years?
  5. Connect with a Coach.
    • Invest in yourself this year.
    • Coaches are friendly, fun and focused. 
    • Coaches are designed for this purpose... walking with you in the dream.
    • The Inquiry Call is free! 
    • We truly do want you to have more life in your day by helping you walk in your dream and be the person you want to be.
  6. Fill out the 60 second, Inquiry Call Form.
    • Why not?

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.

Concept: Discover your values and priorities make sense.



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