Curiosity...Where Did It Go?

What is curiosity? It is, the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.1

We learn even more about curiosity when we look at synonyms. Words such as the following seem to shed light on an explorative mindset and a sincere desire to know something.

Concern, Interest, Eagerness, Inquisitiveness,
Investigation, Questioning, Regard,
Searching, Thirst for Knowledge

The ability to be truly curious equips us with a mindset that fosters creativity, problem solving and supports our emotional and mental disposition. It’s the antidote to fear, with which, one shrinks back. Curiosity is a skill that moves us forward in life.

Curiosity is not something that just happens to us. It once seemed so natural, but as an adult it has become a skill that requires attention and development. This has become a key component for Life Coaches. There are many things that a coach will help develop in a client, and provoking curiosity is central to that work.

“The only barrier to truth is the presumption that you already have it.” - Chuck Missler 2

Chuck Missler’s quote above speaks directly to our ability to be curious, especially in cases where curiosity seems to be unnecessary. Curiosity was natural as a child but as we have been overwhelmed with information and overflowing schedules there hasn’t been time for curiosity. It has essentially been crowded out of our thought process. The once natural ability of curiosity is something that must be cultivated, or should we say, “re-cultivated.”

Unconscious Blocks to Learning
Eric Hoffer (1951) recognized how easy it is for us human beings to get in our own way. We fall in love with our past learning and expertise, and stop growing. As experts, we expect ourselves to know it all. We act as if we are static creatures— as if doing something once or hearing something once makes it old hat and not worthy of further consideration. We resist going back to the receptivity and openness that characterized us when we were beginners.3

So, what’s the fix? Here’s a good place to start…

In the article, by Travis Bradberry, Ph.D., concerning emotional intelligence, he states that, “they’re curious about other people. It doesn’t matter if they’re introverted or extroverted, emotionally intelligent people are curious about everyone around them. This curiosity is the product of empathy, one of the most significant gateways to a high EQ. The more you care about other people and what they’re going through, the more curiosity you’re going to have about them.” 4

What areas of your life could use a little more curiosity?


Take Action!

How do I develop my curiosity? 
  • Take on the mindset of a child. Let everything become new.
  • Ask questions.... a lot of questions! 
  • Discover your empathy for others.
  • More to come...
Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.

Concept >>> Curiosity is a skill to develop.



1 “Curiosity” Accessed 2017, November 22. Retrieved from
2 “Biography” Accessed 2017, November 28. Retrieved from
3 Menendez, Diane S.; Williams, Patrick. Becoming a Professional Life Coach: Lessons from the Institute of Life Coach Training (p.218). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.
4 “9 Habits of Highly Emotionally Intelligent People” Accessed 2017, November 22. Retrieved from 


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